The Sun Observer Technical Columns Index

The X Files
In search of the XPM Format
The Care and Feeding of XPM Files
Implementing a Message Catalog in Xrm
A First Look at CDE
Toolkit Tips and Tricks

The Grymoire
AWK's Numerical Functions
String Functions in AWK
Introduction to Mailtool
Mail Folders: Exploring More Properties

An Overview of ToolTalk

C in Review
The Winner by Obfuscation
It's All in the Selling
Shell Shock
Programming Easier, But Still Limiting
In Search of Programming Style
Don't Get Bullied by Your Computer
A Tale of Three Service Calls
Are User Interfaces Living up to the Hype?
The Sun Problem Report - the Saga Continues
A Lifetime of Computer Evolution

Getting Started in Sparc
Manipulating Files
Exploring the csh Script Language